Off-Leash in Long Beach
This short documentary “Off-Leash in Long Beach” is a vignette of the city’s Rosie’s Dog Beach. It is also a metaphor for human needs to meet and mix in a natural setting.
“Spaces for People” is defined not only by buildings but also by public places such as streets, beaches, and mountain trails. In this sense, Rosie’s Dog Beach sends a powerful message to city planners and decision-makers on how to enrich the urban environment.
Pablo Picasso -
Andy Warhol -
Frank Sinatra -
Alfred Hitchcock -
Elvis Presley -
Stamp from Australia -
USA Stamp -
Stamp from Hungary -
Stamp from Monaco -
Stamp from Cambodia -
Stamps from Israel -
Stamps from Bulgaria -
Stamps from Benin -
Stamps from Poland -
Stamps from S. Tome -
Barbara Streisand -
Jean Paul Belmondo -
George Clooney -
Vladimir Putin -
Donald Trump -
Leland Melvin -